What Our Students 
Want You to Know 

Curious About A Career As A Virtual ExpertĀ®?

 Check out this interview with Kate Wiley

She talks about what she does for clients, what her day is like, and how she started her online business.

She even talks about how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected her business, and what she is doing now to help her clients pivot in this changing economy.


Alyssa Berthiaume


Ally started Virtual Expert®  Training September, 2018. Her priorities were to ditch her 9-to-5 job, and fulfill her dream of earning a full-time income as a writer.
In 7 short months, Ally achieved her goal. Her last day at her job was in April, 2019.

Today, Ally loves her new life and career writing full-time as a copywriter and ghostwriter. She is a super star!

Brenda Christopher

Before Virtual Expert® Training, Brenda was unhappy because her J.O.B. determined her worth and limited what she could earn.

Today, Brenda loves her Virtual Expert® business and helping her clients increase their productivity and profitability. She now says "There is no cap on my capacity to excel and earn ... and help my clients do the same."


LaRinda Roper


LaRinda started Virtual Expert® Training in the fall of 2018. Within weeks, she began earning while she was learning by working as a subcontractor to Virtual Expert® graduates.

Today, her services are in such high demand, she's hiring her own subcontractors. She's well on her way to achieving her goal of growing to multiple six figures and beyond.

 Melissa St.Clair

After working as a virtual assistant for a decade, Melissa joined Virtual Expert® Training in 2015 to uplevel her business.

She learned how to increase her prices and get high-quality, well-paying clients.

Now, Melissa is both a Certified Virtual Expert® and a Virtual Expert® Coach.


Pat Taylor


Before enrolling in Virtual Expert® Training in Aug, 2018, Pat was struggling to find work that would pay the bills and give her the flexibility to care for her ill husband.

Virtual Expert® Training taught Pat how to use the experience and skills she already possessed to excel as a Virtual Expert®.

Today, Pat feels fulfilled and purposeful again.

Shelly Power


Shelly loved the structure and framework of Virtual Expert® Training. She found it both easy to follow and as in depth as college-level courses.

Shelly now has clients she adores, and her business is thriving.


Tanya Block Roussin


Before starting Virtual Expert® Training in 2019, Tanya was worried about the investment in the program.

Today, Tanya has clients she adores working with. Her clients praise her onboarding process, which was one of the many templates and tools she received as part of the training.

Tanya says, "The Virtual Expert® Training system works and is worth the investment."


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